In this tutorial, we will see how to create multiple instances on a dedicated server with OpenVPN! Now we will see the configuration part: The only prerequisite is that this…
Author: admin
How to Control Bandwidth in Linux?
February 27, 2015 / FAQsTrickle and WonderShaper: When we start working on a lot of machines specifically Linux servers. It is interesting to know how we can control or limit the bandwidth. This can…
How Does R1Soft Backup Work?
February 10, 2015 / FAQsThe Internet is the Internet and many things can happen so it’s good to have an off-site backup solution like R1Soft for data protection. bodHOST’s R1Soft system will enable you…
Linux Server Security Audit with LBSA
February 6, 2015 / Dedicated Server HostingFirst of all, we will see what LBSA is: The security of Linux systems often requires regular testing with various settings and configurations. That is also often common to several…
SquirrelMail Time out issue
January 30, 2015 / FAQsIf you are using Squirrel mail and often encounter a disconnection problem with the SquirrelMail interface. Then you need to understand that the SquirrelMail session gets disconnected after a certain…
Domain pointing to external MX on Plesk
January 24, 2015 / Domain NameIf you are using an external MX record and also using a Linux environment for your Plesk server, then you need to tweak the settings in the Plesk panel. To…
How to Optimize Images Online in Linux?
January 15, 2015 / FAQsOnline image optimization in Linux: Image compression may have an interest in many situations. For example, while writing a web article in which we need compressed images to reduce the…
Hyper-V Free Monitoring Tool
December 22, 2014 / vps hostingVeeam Task Manager for Hyper-V is a monitoring utility for a Hyper-V host and its virtual machines. The objective of this free tool is to provide a task manager. That…
Automatically Logoff a Disconnected Windows User
December 8, 2014 / FAQsWe come across a query of automatically logging in to a Windows user who is already disconnected. If you are also facing the same issue, then check the following guidelines.…
Linux Process CPU Usage Monitoring
December 2, 2014 / FAQsIn this tutorial, we will see how to collect CPU usage of a Linux process. The main purpose behind this query is supervision or debugging. It would be convenient if…