How to Use Python to Connect to MySQL?

June 26, 2023 / SQL

Python is a popular open-source programming language that allows users to more efficiently integrate systems. It has the capacity to link to database systems, as well as read and edit files.

Webmasters may access their servers remotely on their local PCs by connecting Python to MySQL databases. They may also have different working environments using Python since they can connect to the database from the same place.

This post was written to provide a quick and easy guide to connecting to your MySQL database using Python.

  1. This article will walk you through all you need to know about:
  2. Creating a virtual Python environment
  3. Creating a MySQL connection and installing MySQL packages

Let’s get started.

Install a Python Module for Pip

You’ll need to install the Pip Python module to connect MySQL to Python.

A Pip module in Python’s standard package management. It enables you to install and manage Python library extensions and packages that not included in the normal Python library release.

To connect MySQL with Python, install at least one of these packages in a virtual environment.

  1. Mysql-client: This client package enables you to connect to a MySQL server and use the command-line interface. It comes with tools that make backing up data, restoring it, and managing the server a breeze. The MySQLdb module included in this package.
  2. Mysql-connector-python is a MySQL driver that allows Python applications to use an API to access MySQL databases. The mysql.connector module included in the package.
  3. PyMySQL is a library that offers a way to connect to a MySQL database server. The pymysql module included.

Creating a Virtual Python Environment

Webmasters can use a virtual environment to create and manage separate environments for Python projects. For execution, each environment uses a different version of Python.

To create a virtual Python environment, follow these steps.

Secure shell (SSH) access required to access your server. This allows you to access the command line from a distance.

Type this command to create a python virtual environment.

cd ~

virtualenv envname

Replace envname with the name of the virtual environment you intend to create.

After creating the virtual environment, you’d need to activate it. Use command to execute the task.

source envname/bin/activate

Upon activation, the command prompt will now start with envname, indicating you are working on a Python virtual environment named envname.

Any time you feel like updating pip in the virtual environment, then run this command to execute the task

pip install -U pip

Installing The MySQL Packages

The MySQL packages must install once the Python virtual environment has been created and activated. It is recommended that you install all three programs.

When you install several modules, you may switch between them at any moment. The modules make advantage of the portable SQL database API interface, which allows you to reuse code without having to make any changes.

To install the packages, use these commands.

  1. To install the mysqlclient package, run this code. install mysqlclient with pip
  2. Install the mysql-connector-python package using this code. install mysql-connector-python with pip
  3. This is also for installing the pymysql packages. install pymysql with pip

Establishing the Link

After installing the packages, you may use any of the modules to connect to your MySQL databases and execute commands.

Using the MySQL connector module, run this code to create a MySQL Python connection.






Replace yourusername and password with the credentials for the database you’re connecting to.

Run the example code below to set up a succession of Python connections that open the same database using various MySQL packages.

Replace yourusername with the username of the MySQL database you wish to connect to, yourpassword with the password of the database user, and yourdbname with the name of the database.

Putting It All Together

Using Python applications, you may connect to your MySQL databases and execute commands from afar. This tutorial will show you how to link Python and MySQL in a few simple steps.

Make use of it to get yourself started.

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