When upgrading WordPress or plugins, WordPress asks for FTP credentials.

April 26, 2022 / WordPress

Few of the Signs and Symptoms: You may be asked for FTP link information while trying to update WordPress or WordPress plugins.

Description: This usually happens when scripts are run with the permissions of the apache user “nobody,” rather than the scripts’ owner ( the cPanel user ).

For example, while running the top​ command in SSH to view running processes and then visit a website (example. TLD) in a browser, you will see the user who owns the process that spawned while visiting the example. TLD is the “nobody” user:

 $PID nobody 20 0 493456 35928 24436 R 8.6 0.4 0:00.26 php-cgi

Follow these instructions to install mod_suexec or mod_ruid2:

  1.  Log in to WHM as a root user
  2. Search for Software on the search bar
  3. Now Click on EasyApache 4 and Select “Customize” under “Currently Installed Packages”.
  4. Select “Apache modules” on the left side menu.
  5. Search for and mark mod_suexec or mod_ruid2 for installation.

    Note: You can only install one of these modules.
  6. Select “Review” on the left side menu
  7. Click on “Provision” when the option appears.

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