MailMax/Webmail Registration Problems

November 27, 2006 / General Discussion
The client is having an issue with Mail-Max registration.URL:
Example account:
email: [email protected]

PW: mthoThis is the error message displayed in the browser when a user tries to log in using webmail.

“This version of MailMax/Web is a demo, and only supports 5 users. To order the full version, please contact [email protected]

web reseller has put the registration key of the shared server on this dedicated server’s MailMax.

The URL is not working, hence was unable to test the problem. However, the error clearly states the mail max version installed is for demo purposes only. It has to be replaced by the licensed version

The MailMax Web on the dedicated server is using the web reseller’s license key. I have entered the key info in the registry at the following location:


After that, I restarted the server.

Now the issue is with the Webppliance which won’t show up in the browser, hence the URL I supplied also doesn’t work.