Windows Command Prompt (CMD) offers a variety of powerful tools. Since it’s easy to forget commands, creating a cheat sheet is a great way to stay on top.
This list provides a starting point with some of the most common CMD commands. Feel free to customize it by adding the commands you use most often!
System Information
- DATE – Outputs or sets the current date
- TIME – Displays or sets the system time
- DRIVERQUERY – Search the current state and properties of the device driver
- HOSTNAME – Search the name of the computer
- SYSTEMINFO – Shows configuration information about your computer
- VER – Allows you to view the Windows version
- GPRESULT – Search current applied group policies (RSoP)
- GPUPDATE – Updates group policies
- IPCONFIG – Shows information about network interfaces
- PING – Sends ICMP requests to the target host, checks host availability
- TRACERT – Finds the path for packets traveling over the network
- NSLOOKUP – Search IP address by resource name
- ROUTE – Show network route tables
- ARP- Shows a table with IP addresses converted into physical addresses
- NETSH – Starts is a network settings control program
- GETMAC – Shows the MAC address of the network adapter
- TFTP – Starts TFTP client in the console
Command Line Setup
- CLS – Clears screen
- CMD – Displays another command prompt
- COLOR – Sets the text and background color
- PROMPT – Change the command line prompt
- TITLE – Assigns a title for the current session
- HELP – Launches CMD help
- EXIT – Exits the command line