Top 5 Reasons You Should Choose Server Virtualization for Your Business

March 4, 2020 / Business tips Web Hosting

server virtualization

Virtualization has become a buzz in the business world. Server Virtualization is defined as partitioning the physical server into multiple virtual servers with help of virtualization software enabling each server to function independently. An official report says, 75% of organizations are using virtual servers to enhance their business. Each of these virtual servers can run its own operating system enhancing memory usage depending on the requirement.

Let us dive in deep to know the benefits of Server Virtualization:

1. Reduce Hardware Cost:

Server Virtualization reduces 30% of hardware cost. Operating physical servers require power, floor space and air conditioning to prevent them from overheating. In the virtual environment, there is an increased usage of hardware since multiple virtual machines run on single servers, unlike the physical environment where the servers are under-utilized. Server virtualization involves consolidating a large number of servers into one or two servers ensuring minimum use of power and space. Therefore, there is no need for applications to have their own physical servers since every virtual machine on physical servers run them thus reducing hardware cost.

Multiple virtual servers running on minimum physical servers saves the amount of heat produced. The cost reduced due to low power and space consumption, less physical servers, air-conditioning can be invested in strategies achieving business objectives and generating more revenue.

2. Enhanced Disaster Recovery:

The ability of virtual servers to recover quickly after the disaster has encouraged businesses to migrate from traditional data centers to server virtualization. It offers flexible disaster recovery isolating the physical servers at the primary and secondary disaster recovery site. Server Virtualization enables effortless creation of replication site backing up critical data for businesses. Server Virtualization ensures fire drills to perform disaster testing securing your critical data. Automating the failover plan with server virtualization offers the opportunity to keep the plan in action rather than expecting it to work according to the requirement.

The virtual servers ensure your company’s infrastructure respond appropriately enabling safe and swift recovery.

3. Reduce Downtime:

An expert survey states, server virtualization reduces 36% of an organization’s IT-related downtime. Businesses are embracing virtualization since it offers flexibility slashing business downtime. Virtual machines require less time to deploy applications, recover lost data and workload distribution. Unlike the physical servers, virtual servers are recovered much faster if a disaster strikes. To ensure the data is not altered virtual servers distribute snapshots across multiple points. In addition, it offers fault tolerance ensuring operational excellence and continuity in the event of failure.

Since multiple servers are consolidated into a supercomputer with virtualization, the operations or work remains uninterrupted in case of a single server failure. In addition, live migration with virtualization ensures maintenance of the system while the employees are using it. In the absence of virtualization, the users would have to take a halt from the work until the maintenance is complete.

4. Reduce Energy Consumption:

Server Virtualization reduces 80% of energy consumption in an organization. Server virtualization is contributing to green data centers offering server consolidation to achieve energy efficiency. Server Virtualization minimizes the contribution of the organization to the emission of greenhouse gases reducing the energy cost. Idle servers use 50% of the rated power and those with 20% utilization are using considerable power incurring a huge cost. Virtual servers eliminate the need to have too many physical servers running the operations on a few virtual servers. It increases server utilization by 50% saving a huge amount of energy.

5. Increased Productivity

Server Virtualization enhances business productivity by 73%. Presence of less physical servers reduces hardware. In other words, there are very few servers to maintain and manage. In addition, application deployment requires less time with virtual servers as compared to the traditional approach. Thus, the IT staff can invest more time doing productive work like designing strategies, driving business initiatives, etc. IT experts can devote their time to raise the revenue of the company.

Wrap up

Embracing server virtualization revolutionizes the organization’s IT infrastructure reducing hardware cost. Apart from minimizing hardware cost, it offers other benefits like improved disaster recovery, increased uptime, minimized energy consumption and increased productivity.

If you wish to benefit from virtualization, take a glance at our Web and VPS Hosting Solutions.

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