This article explains how to manually update a WordPress site.
Follow these steps to upgrade WordPress:
Manually updating WordPress
A WordPress installation should be updated on a regular basis to guarantee that it is running the most recent version. This is due to a number of factors:
Security: WordPress updates include security fixes that address security flaws. Applying updates on a regular basis is one of the most critical things you can do to keep your WordPress site safer.
Stability: WordPress updates include bug fixes and other improvements. When you apply the most recent updates, your site becomes more stable.
New features: WordPress is always evolving, and using the most recent version gives you access to the most up-to-date features and capabilities.
Follow these steps to upgrade WordPress:
- Log into your “WordPress account as root”
- When updates are available, click Dashboard on the left sidebar, and the number of updates is represented in a red circle:
- Go to Updates and select it. WordPress shows you which updates are available for the WordPress core, plugins, and themes:
Click Upgrade Automatically to upgrade WordPress.
To update plugins, click Update Plugins after selecting the plugin or plugins you want to update.
To update themes, click Update Themes after selecting the theme or themes you want to update.
- Click the Switch to automatic updates… link to keep the WordPress site updated automatically:
We hope that you now have a good understanding of How To Manually Update WordPress. If you continue to have problems with the protocol outlined above, please contact the bodHOST Team for constructive assistance 24×7. If you are looking for the perfect managed WordPress hosting for your business blog then choose bodHOST. Discover the How To Add WordPress Categories. Dive deeper into optimizing your site’s navigation and enhancing user experience with categorized posts through our detailed tutorial.