The beginners with web hosting business are often very confident about handling the complete system on their own. The reality sets in when they dig in deep and encounter a lot of paradigms, which they weren’t ready for. Business starters initially think that hiring for a fully managed web hosting service provider will cost a lot, and it won’t sit in their budget. Later most of them become an easy target for the cybercrime, and then they realize the importance of hiring a fully managed hosting service provider.
Cybersecurity Ventures forecasts that the world will have to pay $6 trillion annually till 2021 for cybercrime damages. This number is so high that it outcasts the payable damage that might occur by any natural disaster in a year and that’s not enough; it is more profitable to the bad guys than all the illegal trade of major drugs combined globally!
Digital ad fraud is pretty much evident and prevalent today. According to a report, advertisers lost approx. $19 billion due to several digital frauds. So, this rounds up to $51 million a day! This figure, considering the number of ads on internet-connected devices, can reach up to $44 billion at the end of 2022.
Considering the above-stated facts, you shouldn’t be compromising on having a dedicated managed hosting service. However, many businesses realize the vitality of having an expert service. Check the below graph showing the global market size of managed hosting service users from 2011 to 2019.
Now, that you know the wide-spreading adoption of fully managed hosting services, let us take a look at its benefits –
Advantages of Fully Managed Hosting Service –
Listing out the top 6 benefits of fully managed hosting services, which you should consider instead of a self-managed approach. Listing out the top 6 benefits of fully managed hosting services, which you should find instead of a self-managed approach.
- Lower Operational Prices
- Limited Staff Requirement
- Expertise Way of Handling Tasks with Assured Security
- Constant Server Monitoring
- 24 X 7 X 365 Support
- Secure Backups
Lower Operational Prices
Generally, loads of hidden prices you pay for unmanaged hosting services. To manage your servers, you need to hire system admins, database admins, and other support staff.
But, if you choose a managed hosting service provider, then you save up on these expenses. Hiring a trustworthy hosting service provider will result in cost-saving that you can use in CRM and other operations/services.
Limited Staff Requirement
Hiring and training the staff is a tedious process and expensive too. But, if you have a fully managed professional team, then you would not need to bear these extra expenses. The hosting service provider’s expert team will be there to take care of the crucial IP infrastructure and applications. You will get a 24 X 7 X 365 technical support from the team of your managed hosting provider.
Whatever the issue may arise, the team will always be there to solve you without affecting your business traffic. This will lead to more savings – of resources, money, and of course, time.
Expertise Way of Handling Tasks with Assured Security
When you hire expert service providers of managed web hosting, then they take care of the security and integrity of your data. Resultantly, you can focus on your business goals and its core competencies. Securing your website and your customers’ data must be a top priority, and so, you must appoint the expert to take care of the same. For ensuring security, a managed hosting provider should do the following things –
- Firewall Configuration
- Updating OS & Software
- Scanning Virus
- Filtering Spams
- Running Security Audits
With such services, you get guaranteed security and peace of mind as you get to know that your data is safe. Your hosting service provider is going to detect the vulnerabilities and threats before they attack your server.
Constant Server Monitoring
Your server needs to be monitored 24 X 7 X 365 to ensure that there is nothing wrong and to predict the future threat possibilities and vulnerabilities. The managed hosting service provider ought to take care of your business continuity and productivity.
But, if you decide to choose an unmanaged hosting service, then you will have to hire a dedicated team for administrating and monitoring your servers. So, you get it that this step will add to your operational costs.
24 X 7 X 365 Support
Having constant support and monitoring team for your business is essential, and a right web hosting service provider will offer you 24 X 7 X 365 technical and customer support. There can be different methods to reach out to the service providers – support tickets, a phone call, or live chat; whichever is suitable for you. The managed hosting company’s support staff is adequately trained to resolve issues and prevent multiple problems before they get bigger. Having this benefit helps in reducing your load.
Secure Backups
If you have hired a right managed to host service provider, then you needn’t worry about the loss of your vital data. The complete data is automatically and securely backed up as a dependable, managed hosting service provider will have DR plans ready. You can plot your disaster recovery plan by discussing and taking the bits of advice of your web hosting service provider.
On the contrary, if you decide to go with the unmanaged approach, taking and maintaining backups is not possible, and this will result in data loss. It is not possible to manage all the tasks related to your server.
So, considering all the above points, it is better to hire a fully managed web hosting service provider to do a great secure and stable business. This, in turn, increases your brand reputation as your website/application is, and it takes care of the customer’s data.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced web hosting service provider, then we are here to help you. We offer several plans suitable for all businesses and provide end-to-end solutions for the same.