People often think about hosting a dedicated server, because when the client have own dedicated box it can generally be administered as it wants to be, which is the main advantage of this hosting type. The provider of dedicated box remains the owner of the server. However, the price is much higher than rest of the hosting plans, and the client should have some decent skills to administer the server properly.
Find a dedicated server in the United States:
Imagine you have a video sharing site like YouTube with over 50000 visitors per day and over 10000 videos. A simple shared hosting or even VPS hosting will not be able to cope up with such a great amount of traffic. You will definitely need a dedicated server.
However, the number of dedicated server hosting providers all over the world has been increasing in recent years. The plans offered are different and the prices are more or less affordable. For as little as $69.00 you can have your own dedicated box in United States. But you will have to decide whether you want to host your server in US or Europe or elsewhere; depends on what you need and what are the privacy policies that you are willing to adopt.
The most significant differences are the prices. The cost of the facilities, equipment, and especially bandwidth used in the development of servers are much cheaper in the US than elsewhere in the world. For this reason, the cost of hosting a server in American land is much affordable than Europe.
In the United States, the hosting industry is subject to the Patriot Act- An anti-terrorism law that was passed by the Congress of United States and signed by former President George W. Bush. The Patriot Act law allows US Government Security Agencies to access private data/information and this law also applies to websites hosted in the US Data Centers. Few European nations in turn hold the equivalent laws like Patriot Act. For this reason, some prefer dedicated servers from elsewhere such as Canada, etc…
Anyway, generally servers provided by US Web Hosting company offer high bandwidth and large disk space. If you have specific needs that are not available in other types of web hosting or if you have specific scripts and libraries which require specific security that cannot be done in other hosting type environment, then dedicated hosting packages are the best choice for you as they offer complete control over every aspect of your hosting environment.
Dedicated hosting is a high performance solution, which is dedicated solely to you. In addition, you can host as many websites as you want. In addition, bodHOST dedicated servers have independent power generators to ensure a high uptime in case of power failure.