The following commands for fixing the Webalizer stats under Hsphere: Webalizer for windows
Following steps to be followed when Webalizer not working for windows:
- In the IIS, select the domain name for which Webalizer is not working.
- Go to properties and change the log format to NCSA “Combined log format”
- Go to the corresponding log folder of the domain in the ” hslogfiles ” folder and delete all the previous log files that were generated.
Visit the site twice, a new log file generated. - Now on the command line, change the directory to c://webalizer
at c://webalizer > , fire the following command,
Webalizer -n domainame -o E://hshome/username/domainname/Webalizer E://hslogfiles/logfile name
* -n — domainanme for which Webalizer is not working.
* -o — path to the directory where the Webalizer output generated
* name of the log file which should used to generate the website statistics.It the name of the file generated in step 3
Webalizer not working for UNIX plans.
==========================Fire the following command on the shell prompt.
/hsphere/shared/bin/webalizer -n domainname -o hsphere/local/home/username/domainname/webalizer
/hsphere/local/home/username/logs/domain/name of the most recent log file
If the stats of current month not getting generated,
- Open the file /hsphere/shared/apache/conf/rotatelog.cfg and add the entry for the domain for which stats not getting generated for the current month.
- Restart Apache
- Visit the site twice, and a new log file of the current month get generated.
- Fire the following command on shell,
/hsphere/shared/bin/webalizer -n domainname -o hsphere/local/home/username/domainname/webalizer
/hsphere/local/home/username/logs/domain/name of the most recent log file.