Webalizer Commands

November 27, 2006 / Web Hosting

The following commands for fixing the Webalizer stats under Hsphere: Webalizer for windows

Following steps to be followed when Webalizer not working for windows:

  1. In the IIS, select the domain name for which Webalizer is not working.
  2. Go to properties and change the log format to NCSA “Combined log format”
  3. Go to the corresponding log folder of the domain in the ” hslogfiles ” folder and delete all the previous log files that were generated.
    Visit the site twice, a new log file generated.
  4. Now on the command line, change the directory to c://webalizer

    at c://webalizer > , fire the following command,

    Webalizer -n domainame -o E://hshome/username/domainname/Webalizer E://hslogfiles/logfile name

    * -n — domainanme for which Webalizer is not working.
    * -o — path to the directory where the Webalizer output generated
    * name of the log file which should used to generate the website statistics.

    It the name of the file generated in step 3

    Webalizer not working for UNIX plans.

    Fire the following command on the shell prompt.

    /hsphere/shared/bin/webalizer -n domainname -o hsphere/local/home/username/domainname/webalizer
    /hsphere/local/home/username/logs/domain/name of the most recent log file

If the stats of current month not getting generated,

  1. Open the file /hsphere/shared/apache/conf/rotatelog.cfg and add the entry for the domain for which stats not getting generated for the current month.
  2. Restart Apache
  3. Visit the site twice, and a new log file of the current month get generated.
  4. Fire the following command on shell,
    /hsphere/shared/bin/webalizer -n domainname -o hsphere/local/home/username/domainname/webalizer
    /hsphere/local/home/username/logs/domain/name of the most recent log file.