Save and Exit From the Nano Text Editor

July 30, 2024 / General Discussion

Nano is an easy and user-friendly text editor for Unix-based systems. Here is a detailed guide on how to save your work and exit the Nano editor.

Saving Your File in Nano:

1. Write Out (Save)

– To save the changes you’ve made to your file, press `Ctrl + O`.

– Nano will ask for the file name. If you’re saving the current file, just press `Enter`.

2. Exit Nano

– To exit Nano, press the button `Ctrl + X`.

Save and Exit in One Step:

1. Save and Exit

– If you want to save and exit at the same time, press  `Ctrl + X`.

– Nano will ask if you want to save the changes. Press  `Y` for yes.

– It will then prompt you to confirm the file name. Press `Enter` to confirm and exit.

More Tips:

– Cancel: If you don’t want to save changes, press the tab `Ctrl + X`, then press `N` when asked to save the changes.

– Save As: If you want to save the file with a unalike name, press `Ctrl + O`, type the new file name, and press `Enter`.

Then press the tab `Ctrl + X` to exit.

By following these steps, you can simply save and exit your files in Nano!

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