How to Move an Email from G Suite to cPanel

March 27, 2024 / cPanel

Transferring emails from G Suite to a cPanel server can be beneficial under certain conditions, as explained in this guide.

G Suite, now known as Google Workspace, offers a suite of association and productivity tools including video meetings, shared calendars, online document editing, and professional email services for businesses.

Follow these steps to initiate the migration process-

  1. Start by enabling IMAP settings in Gmail.
  2. Now, let us begin migrating emails from G Suite to cPanel. Note that options ending with “host” pertain to the source server (Gmail account), while those ending with “2” relate to the destination server (cPanel).
  3. Utilize the “—dry” option for a trial run that does not make any actual changes.
  4. Use the “imapsync –help” command to access comprehensive help related to the imapsync tool.
  5. Here is an example command to migrate from G Suite to cPanel-
    imapsync –host1 –port1 993 –ssl1 –user1 “[email protected]” –passfile1 /home/pass1 –host2 –user2 “[email protected]” –password2 –passfile2 /home/pass2

By following these steps, you can successfully migrate from G Suite to cPanel! For extra assistance, seek help from our support specialists. They are available 24×7.

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