How to Install cURL on Windows and Linux

August 1, 2023 / General Discussion

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to install and run cURL on both Linux and Windows operating systems.

What is cURL?

cURL serves as a command-line tool enabling data transfer to and from a server through various protocols. Here, utilizing the curl command facilitates communication for POST or GET data operations to and from Ubidots Server over both HTTP and HTTPS.

Follow these steps to Install cURL on Linux

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Run the following command on your terminal.
    sudo apt-get install curl
  3. If you are prompted for your computer’s user password, please enter it to continue. Once the installation is complete, wait until it is finished.

Congratulations! You can now utilize cURL on your Linux computer!

Follow these steps to Install cURL on Windows

  1. Enter and access the URL to download the curl executable wizard.
  2. Select “curl executable” as the Type of Package.
  3. Navigate to the “Select Operating System” section and choose “Windows.” Proceed by selecting the necessary parameters that align with your specific version of Windows. 
  4. Upon completing the steps, you will need to download the generated zip file. Click on the “Download” button to initiate the download.
  5. Open the .zip file and enter the folder called “src”. Inside the src folder, you will get a curl executable file. Here, you need to copy the executable file and paste it into a local folder on your PC to be able to run the curl.

    NOTE: Let’s assume the executable file housed in a “programs” folder so that more familiar with the subsequent procedures.
  6. From the Command Prompt, you need to enter the location where the executable file was pasted. To enter the folder you need to use the cd command following the location of the folder may contain the executable file as given below:

    cd programs

    Expected location to shown


  7. To check if you can run the curl commands with the command prompt, you need to test the functionality by executing the following command below:

    curl –help

Here, you should now have access to all curl-related support information.

Now, you can use cURL from a Windows computer!

By following these steps, you can successfully install and run cURL on both Linux and Windows operating systems.

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