How To Create a Sub-Domain In Plesk

June 11, 2021 / Domain Name

Suddomain plesk

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Sub-Domain in Plesk.

A subdomain is a part of your main domain that appears before the domain name and extension. It’s based on a prefix you choose. For instance, see in this example, primary domain is ‘xyz’ and subdomain prefix is ‘kb2’ and ‘.com’ is TLD.

To create a sub-domain in Plesk follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk.
  2. Click on Websites & Domains. Click on Add Subdomain.
  3. Now, under the primary domain’s prefix area, provide the name you wish for your subdomain.
  4. The default home directory path, which is a combination of your subdomain and primary domain, can be discovered in the document root section. You can edit this field to your desire.
  5. Fill all the required sections and click on OK.
  6. This process requires 2-3 minutes and once done you will get a success message.

In this way you can create Sub-domain in Plesk. For more support feel to contact bodHOST team today.

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