Dedicated Servers were originally sold at very high prices due to the hardware cost and setup of huge datacenter which had servers which were size of a mid-size fridge. However, with time and technology, they turned over-time and they were much easily affordable by price. Combination of good hardware, network connections, processors and many more combine to result in dedicated server which were always dreamed of.
Their sleek size and fit-to-space advantage took over all the other aspects. Newer technology such as Dual Cores, AMD X2’s. And then Quad Cores and Dual Quad Core’s were introduced for responsive and dynamic performance. Many Brands also provide high-end corporate servers which range upto 2TB of RAM or above. Their processors are designed to provide optimal performance.
Every Aspect of a dedicated server should be understood before it has been bought. Setup of Load-balancing servers were brought in soon after the requirements itself demanded much more than what a dedicated server can provide. Client’s required to run their services on parallel nodes. There have been many changes that we brought-in within the infrastructure of a server.
Today, it’s reliability and individuality is well known and still remains unmatched to any other hosting package. Bodhost has been providing quality dedicated servers and Virtual private servers. Which are fully managed and monitored 24×7 round the clock by special dedicated team of experts. Not only this, all servers are setup on branded Dell or Super Micro Hardware Chassis to ensure the hardware are robust.