A slow-loading page or poor-performing VPS server can be a mood killer. Optimizing the VPS Server can do the trick of delivering a flawless user experience, irrespective of if you…
Tag: VPS Server
For most of the medium sized businesses getting a dedicated server is not possible due to the huge costs associated with it. In such a case, businesses can certainly opt…
Bzip Install On VPS Server
September 21, 2011 / VPS Hostingbzip2 is a very useful option for a VPS server owner. If anyone wants to utilize it, then the installation of bzip2 is required. User can install it with the…
Shoutcast Installation On VPS Server
September 21, 2011 / VPS HostingYou can install with the following on your VPS server: Refer www.shoutcast.com/download tar -zxvf shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6.tar.gz mv shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6 shoutcast cd shoutcast Utilize an editor to edit sc_serv.conf After you finish, you…