When any enterprise hosts on a cloud server, you will definitely need an email server to be hosted. Many cloud hosting providers now offer domain name along with email servers.
With email hosted on your cloud server, you can choose many features such as if you want to keep your data on the server or on your local machine. You can also install many open source free softwares and migration of emails are easier with lcoud servers. Also, cloud hosting providers also offer free upgrades and custom-branding on your own email server.
Also, you need to consider how many email accounts you would be hosting on the email server and how much resources you would require on the cloud server hosting platform. POP3, STMP, IMAP, Exchange, Zimbra and many other email service can also be installed on cloud email servers. You can also setup a private cloud computing service for cluster of email servers on which you can host your direct email data and backup on another server cluster. There are many other features such as the email will be deleted from the server once it has been read.
You can also host your email servers on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices and can also be accessed on webmail. Cloud mail takes complete advantage of cloud computing technology. With cloud email service, you do not need to worry about spams and phishing as most cloud web service hosting providers offer the service as additional like bodHOST.