It is a huge decision to select the perfect web hosting service. While there are a variety of options to choose from including shared web hosting, VPS hosting, and many more, it can be hard to determine which one has the best resources, expert technical support, security features, website builders, storage, maximum uptime, and much more. The performance of your website is based on your web hosting service. These aspects will help you determine the best from the rest.
All websites need to work at the optimum speed to deliver the perfect user experience. 3 seconds is the maximum amount of time users will wait for your website to load before moving on to your competitor’s website.
A slow website speed could be the result of various factors including your web server performance, low storage and bandwidth, and much more. Your website’s performance can take a huge hit if your web server is not up to the mark. Hence, selecting your web hosting service with due diligence and research is of utmost importance.
While making your web hosting choice, ensure that you ensure you get ample bandwidth, CPU, RAM, and much more. Also, there should be ample options for scalability in case your website traffic spikes, so that you have plenty of resources to tackle it. In case you find a web hosting service that delivers on all of these aspects, then you can expect fast loading times and a website that performs optimally.
As mentioned above, your resources are one of the main determiners of your loading speed and performance in general. Your data is stored on the RAM and made accessible to viewers. The more RAM you have, the better the performance of your website will be.
The requirements of your website determine the amount of RAM you require. If your website encounters a lot of traffic, you will need more RAM, while smaller websites that do not have a lot of heavy content can make do with less.
The CPU is tasked with performing all the essential tasks of your website. It has cores, which influence the speed of your website. The more cores you have, the better the loading speed. Normally, 4-8 cores are sufficient in delivering high speeds. Your server bandwidth can influence the speed of your website and therefore determines your website’s performance as well. So select a web hosting service that offers ample bandwidth.
There are several ways of boosting page loading speed including compressing your large images, getting rid of web page caches, minimizing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and decreasing redirects and unused plugins, among other things.
The amount of uptime your website delivers can make the difference between its success and failure. Whenever your website experiences downtime, your revenue will fall as well. You will end up alienating customers, decreasing traffic, and experiencing a fall in sales.
The reputation of your brand will also suffer. Your website must be online more than 99.5% of the time to steer it toward success. Hence, your uptime should be your biggest priority while selecting your web hosting provider.
Some of the biggest culprits of downtime are network device failure, DDoS attacks, power disturbances, failure to supervise diligently by sys admins, and not implementing configuration changes properly. While we all might want to have a 100% uptime guarantee, that is not a reality.
However, you should select a web hosting provider that offers maximum uptime and ensures it delivers. Do not accept any less than 99.5%, but 99.9% would be optimal.
Hackers are always trying to find vulnerabilities that can help them access your server and gain control of it. If they are successful in their endeavor, your entire database is open for them to exploit. Hence if your web hosting service does not have advanced security measures enforced, it could lead to dire consequences and irreparable damage.
There are several ways that can cause vulnerabilities including not updating and applying patches whenever necessary. While these aspects of the web hosting service can be difficult to determine before you sign on to the service, you could check out the reviews to gain an understanding through the experiences of others.
It is your web hosting provider’s job to offer the best web hosting service possible with ample features, resources, and security so that your website and database are stored on a solid platform. Choosing the perfect web hosting service can help boost your website’s performance, traffic, and ultimately, revenue.
Alternatively, if your web hosting service is not up to the mark, your website can take a turn for the worse. So keep the points mentioned in this article to end up with a web hosting provider that is compatible with your needs.