Offsite backups are one of the best ways to keep your data safe on a server at a different geographical site other than the main server. Local backups that are kept on hard drives on the main server are enough to keep your database safe in case a small problem occurs. In case one of the files on your server is corrupted, the backups can easily get those files back and restore them. Offsite backup systems work in the same way, except they are there to help you in case the disaster that strikes is much bigger.
To understand this better, you can take the example of your personal computer. Whatever data you have stored on your personal device is confined to your machine. So if a disaster strikes and the storage drive is compromised in any way, you will end up losing all of your precious data. Having an external drive with all of your data backed up will help revive and restore it without delay. Hence having your data stored in a location other than the primary database is a good idea.
- Hard drives can fail Even with an on-site backup, the chances of having a data loss are still extremely high. The amount of data that you will end up losing is based on the frequency with which you backup your data. The simple solution is to have your entire database backed up in an off-site location that preferably used cloud tech. This helps keep your data safe from hackers and protects it from being lost permanently. It also creates an infrastructure where your data gets backed up in real-time. Hence the last copy will include all the data that you had on your device before your hardware failed. Hard drives are not as secure as you might think. In fact, they are known to fall quite a lot. The statistics could be as high as 140000 failures of hard drives seen every year. So if you have backed up your data in one of these fallible hard drives, it could get easily lost.
- Saves storage space on the primary server Your infrastructure could be based with a hosting provider or your company, but the main space can be small for the one who is only afforded single storage with little to no backup. It is important to save space regardless of your web hosting plans. In case you are using a managed provider to host your system, off-site backup can be a great option to keep your primary storage space free to boost performance. It gives space to be used for core responsibilities such as operating systems and vital files which helps with the smooth running of the entire infrastructure without spending space on backups. Your primary drives without the backups are extremely economical for your business.
- Audits and archives If you run a business, you are required to ensure your business records are kept up to date for long periods. It is done to abide by several regulations, including taxes. Just take a look at the happenings of a few years ago. It is understandable to be lulled into a false sense of safety when you can see all of your information saved on your computer. However, you might now be familiar with the dangers of having just one copy. An off-site copy of all your vital data and confidential information can be a lifesaver in case disaster strikes your locally saved database. The regulatory commissions will not take into consideration that your cause of data loss was legit. They will just give you a huge amount that can dig into your budget.
- Protection from disaster striking your location There are several companies that keep their entire database infrastructure in-house, which is a perfect way to lose data. There are several natural disasters that can strike out of the blue without warning, including floods, earthquakes, fires, tornados and hurricanes. It is crucial that you have a plan in place to deal with these emergencies. Hence it is vital that your entire online database has backups off-site that are secure and well protected. Moving all of your backups to a different location helps you save space in your office. In case you find it impossible to find a different location for your backups due to financial constraints or lack of available space, a cheap managed VPS server backup solution could be optimal. While it costs an extra amount to have an off-site backup, at least you gave assurance of your entire database and confidential data being safe in case of disaster strikes.
Offsite backups are the perfect way to protect your database from the world that encounters several unforeseeable disasters. They help you save a lot of storage space inside. Plus it protects your data in case your entire system crashes or your hardware fails. You can rest assured that all of your data will be recovered and restored.