The high availability of VMware vSphere has improved. The site recovery manager is an automated fail-over solution for data centers. In the new version 5 up to 75 virtual machines automatically restored. Those who are already used to working with virtual machines feel the advantage of a dynamic resource scheduler (DRS), which is now available for storage.
DRS locates the memory automatically on resource consumption at the optimum location, where the standard setting is not enough. It configures performance tests on a percentage utilization and sets its own time. The new storage space of a new VM will created automatically on a preset profile.
A major problem of cloud computing is the fear of data loss and theft. The data security company has severely hampered by new devices such as iPad, iPhones, and more. So with these many different smartphones and tablet computers, the challenge to provide a secure environment is much more difficult.
This issue VMware has already publicly discussed in recent years in the worldwide in-house exhibition at VMworld in Los Angeles and Copenhagen widely in different sessions and promised its solutions.
As a result, the function group data security vShield 5 now allows the identification of unprotected sensitive data, isolates environments with different security levels from each other and moves with safety guidelines when moving data between applications and virtual systems or migrating into the public cloud hosting environment.