Steps To Create A Buy Now Button For PayPal

January 9, 2012 / FAQs
  1. You have to log in to your admin area.
  2. Click on the “Merchant Service link”.
  3. You have to link to the following page.
  4. Click the “Buy Now Button” link.
  5. On the following page, you have to enter :
    1. “Item name/service”: The name of your service or item.
    2. “Item ID/number (optional)”: If there is an item number then enter it.
    3. “Price”: Enter the price.
    4.  “currency”: Select the currency from the drop-down menu.
    5. “Buyer’s default country”: Select the default country for the buyer.
    6. “Weight (optional)”You can enter the weight of the item and select either pounds or kilograms from the drop-down menu.
    7. You have to scroll down.
  6. Select the style of the button.
  7. You can choose if your button should be encrypted. If your button should be encrypted. If you plan to edit the HTML in the future, turn this off.
  8. You have to scroll down.
  9. Choose your shipping rate.
  10. If you are using a flat rate, enter the amount in the “Use a flat rate amount”.
  11. Choose your sale tax option.
  12. If you are using a flat rate, enter the amount.
  13. If you want to add more options, click the “Add More Option”. Or click on “Create Button Now”.
  14. The option you select on the previous page will influence the HTML code below.
  15. You will need to paste it into your website.
  16. Click on the “Select all” button.(Press ctrl+C on your keyboard to copy the text.> Now go to your website>Decide where you want to put the button.)
  17. Now, open the page in your favorite code-editing program.
  18. Find the place in the code where the button should go.
  19. Press Ctrl+V to paste the code.
  20. Make sure you have to change Then go to your site in your internet browser.
  21. Refresh the site in your browser.
  22. You get success.