- At first you have to log into your virtuoso power panel(VZPP).
- Find the “configure” option on the left side of your screen. And click on it.
- Above screen is for VZPP configuration, where you can change the way vzpp displays.
- If you want to change the interface Skin, let’s click on the ‘interface Skin’ option.
- If you want to set how often the system will refresh the status bar which is located at the top of each VZPP screen then you have to click on ‘status bar refresh’. In ‘status bar refresh’ there is an option ‘smart update’. If you select it then the status bar will be refreshed only when you follow VZPP links. But more than once every 60 seconds.
- You can select your favorite language which you want to display in VZPP with the ‘Interface Language’ option.
- Local time zone ‘ option affects the date and time information on the VZPP screen as Status change, QoS Alerts, and also Action Log.
- In the ‘Contact Mail’ option, you have to keep a proper original email address. Since this address is where your password information will be sent.
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button, when you finish. Keep in mind that the changes made on this page will only take effect after clicking the submit button.
So, I hope this helps you to configure your power panel interface, including changes to skins, language display, and setting your contact email address.