HTTP Status and Error Codes

June 6, 2016 / General Discussion

HTTP status and error codes are responses given by the website servers. The status codes are informational codes while HTTP error codes show an error.

The purpose of these codes to communicate the cause of the issue so that it resolved. You must have seen most of these codes on the internet while browsing like HTTP 404, HTTP 500, and others.

Every HTTP status and error code has two parts:

  1. The code (such as HTTP 404)
  2. The reason phrase (such as Not found)

The phrases are simple phrases that explain the code and are helpful in making sense of the code. For instance, an HTTP 404 error code doesn’t make much sense but HTTP 404 Page Not Found makes sense that the page on the website not found.

Below is a complete list of the standard HTTP codes along with their phrases and description.

100 Series

An informational status code series that indicates that the request has received by the server and processed.

100 Continue: The client must continue with the request. The server has not rejected the request.

101 Switching Protocols: The server is switching protocols as per the request of the client.

200 Series

The codes indicate that the request received, accepted, and processed.

200 OK: Successful HTTP request that is processed by the server.

201 Created: A new resource or document created.

202 Accepted: The request accepted for further processing.

203 Non-Authoritative Information: Transformation of proxy by the server.

204 No Content: The server is not sending any content.

205 Reset Content: The requester has to reset the view as the server is not sending content.

206 Partial Content: Partial resource delivered by the server.

300 Series

The series of codes where the browser has to take more action for the completion of the request.

302 Found: The browser has to perform a temporary redirect.

304 Not Modified: The requested resource or document is not modified since the last visit.

307 Temporary Redirect: In this case, the request has to repeated using a different URI. This option is not available with 302.

400 Series

When the client or the requester is at fault, a 4xx code will appear.

400 Bad Request: The request will not processed by the server due to a bad request.

401 Unauthorized: The request has not approved due to authentication issue(s).