How to create a VPS with Open VZ?

May 15, 2008 / vps hosting

Creating a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with OpenVZ involves several steps. Here’s a general guide:

Install OpenVZ:

On Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y vzctl vzquota

On CentOS:
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y vzctl vzquota

Download OpenVZ Template:

Choose an OS template from the OpenVZ template repository:

Create a VPS Container:
Replace VPS_ID, VPS_HOSTNAME, and OS_TEMPLATE with appropriate values:

vzctl create VPS_ID –ostemplate OS_TEMPLATE –hostname VPS_HOSTNAME –ipadd VPS_IP_ADDRESS –nameserver DNS_IP_ADDRESS –onboot yes

Set Root Password:
vzctl set VPS_ID –userpasswd root:NEW_ROOT_PASSWORD –save

Start the VPS:
vzctl start VPS_ID

Enter the VPS:
vzctl enter VPS_ID

Configure Network Inside VPS:
Edit the network configuration file based on the OS.

For Debian/Ubuntu:

nano /etc/network/interfaces

For CentOS:
nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Restart Networking Inside VPS:
service networking restart # Debian/Ubuntu
service network restart # CentOS

Install Additional Software:
Update the package list and install any required software inside the VPS.

Access VPS via SSH:

Use an SSH client to connect to your VPS using the assigned IP address and root credentials.

Remember to adapt the commands according to your specific requirements and the Linux distribution you are using. Additionally, consider configuring security measures like firewalls and keeping your VPS updated to ensure a secure environment.