cPanel / Webmail Accessing Behind a Firewall

November 27, 2006 / Control Panels

Installation requires that you have access to cPanel, so you need to
use a system that isn’t behind a firewall to install it.

instructions –

  1. Load up cPanel ( or
  2. Add a subdomain called cPanel.
  3. Copy the script cpanelproxy.php to the /public_html/cpanel/ directory.
  4. Modify (or add) the file /public_html/cpanel/.htaccess to include
    the following 3 lines:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cpanelproxy.php
RewriteRule .* /cpanelproxy.php [last]

That’s it. Once your subdomain is available, you can use to get into cPanel and Webmail.