Clamscan Scanner

July 24, 2013 / FAQs

Clamscan is a command line antivirus scanner that allows scanning files and directories for potential viruses.

1) Clamscan version

[root@office ~]# clamd –V

ClamAV 0.97.6/15779/Wed Jul 24 22:37:48 2013

2) Run Clamscan

[root@root ~]# clamscan /home/arun/ >> /home/arun/Desktop/infected.txt
[root@root ~]#clamscan -r /var/www/vhosts/ –infected > infected.txt

This will display the scan result in file infected.txt

[root@root ~]# clamscan -r -i mail –remove=yes —> Scan the folder named “mail” and remove the infected files.
[root@root ~]# clamscan -r -i /home/cP-UN/mail –move=/home/cP-UN/infected/ —-> It Scan folder named “mail” and moved all the infected files to /home/cP-UN/infected/ ]

3) Clamav does not work with cPanel >> virus scan

When you try to install Clamav from within WHM >> Plugin and access it through cPanel >> Virus Scan; and get the following error.

Scanning:….. connecting to clamd service

Solution: WHM >> Tweak Settings >> change the value of “Max cPanel process memory” to Unlimited and then reinstall ClamAV

4) Clamscan freshclam error

[root@root ~]# freshclamERROR: Please edit the example config file /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf

ERROR: Can’t open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf


Just comment out or delete the line in the two .conf files that says: # Comment it out #Example

5) Clam Scan installation on cPanel server

WHM >> Main >> cPanel >> Manage Plugins

Install it manually

[root@office1 ~]# cd /usr/local/srcrm -Rf clamav-*
[root@office1 ~]# wget
[root@office ~]# tar -xzf clamav-*[root@office ~]# cd clamav-*

[root@office ~]# if [ -d “/usr/lib64″ ]; then libdir=”–libdir=/usr/lib64” ; fi ; ./configure –prefix=/usr $libdir –sysconfdir=/etc –disable-ipv6 –disable-zlib-vcheck

[root@office ~]# make
[root@office ~]# make install
[root@office ~]# freshclam
[root@office ~]# echo “ClamAV update complete!”