Sometimes after creating Zamfoo packages with whmcs; users receive the email message constantly from the whmcs system “automatic set up failed”. So I decided to look into it a little bit further.
I have found this…a message that said something like this “Automatic setup failed. Because whmcs tried to apply reseller privileges to a package which is already with such privileges”. Anyway, this message was disorienting, because reseller privileges had not applied.
After a few minutes, I realized that whmcs is trying to set up reseller privileges twice. Basically, I am trying to set up a Master/Alpha reseller package.
So I set it up as a reseller account in whmcs and included the package I have created to the Zamfoo auto grant feature. The final result is that whmcs is setting up a reseller account, but Zamfoo is also setting up a reseller account as I auto-granted.
In return, my system crashed as it was trying to set up a reseller package twice. Yeah this sound idiotic, but it’s true. That is the reason I thought to investigate more.
Anyway, I have got the following solution…
Set up the package as a standard hosting package in whmcs. Note: select to send the reseller account welcome email rather than the hosting account welcome email, and then auto grant the package created in whm reseller privileges.
In this way, whmcs will set up a standard hosting package, and then Zamfoo will automatically promote it to the reseller package. So one reseller account will created rather than two.
It says “automatic set up successful”. Zamfoo master/alpha reseller packages are now auto setup in whmcs, and all whm and master/alpha reseller privileges have auto-granted. The end result, everything works fine…
Conclusion: Remember to set up the Zamfoo package as a standard hosting package instead of a reseller package in whmcs. As zamfoo will take care of dedicating the reseller privileges.