Web hosting has experienced a significant transition with regard to data storage. HDD (Hard Disc Drives) and SSD (Solid State Drives) are the two categories of storage devices that are utilized for web hosting. HDDs have traditionally been the chosen type of storage for companies that offer web hosting.
However, hosting providers are now providing strong SSDs to those website owners who want to increase the performance and speed of the site. Today almost all types of hosting solutions provide SSD-based web hosting services. In this post, we will be looking at what is SSD and how it can boost the VPS server’s performance.
Solid State Drives (SSD): What is it?
SSD is sort of new and a fundamentally distinct method of data storage. SSDs utilize NAND flash memory rather than spinning discs and a needle. An SSD drive has no moving components. This specific data storage has been around since the 1950s, but because of its exorbitant expenses, it has never been commercially successful.
But SSD storage has significantly improved since the 1900s. SSDs have advanced over the past few years, making them not only practical but also the preferred storage option.
SSD for VPS servers
You almost probably came across SSD VPS Hosting if you recently searched for a hosting plan. Every major hosting company now offers an SSD Linux and Windows VPS Hosting solution, and it’s growing in popularity daily. In fact, this indicates that your VPS Server places data on SSDs rather than the conventional HDDs. Modern SSD storage offers your website a number of important advantages.
In comparison to HDD, SSD is distinguished by its speed. It is without a doubt the best aspect of an SSD VPS Hosting solution. An HDD reads and writes data from a rotating disc. With this approach, information retrieval takes time. But there is no movement in SSDs. As a result, information can be retrieved practically immediately. This implies that using SSD storage will significantly speed up the loading of your website.
Due to two reasons, website speed is a crucial consideration. You require your clients to have a positive experience, first of all. And the other is that Google now takes website speed into account when determining how to rank a website in its index. In other words, Google will prioritize showing speedier pages over slower ones. Therefore, SSDs will also aid in the SEO of your website. The increase in site speed is an advantage for many websites, especially eCommerce websites.
Typically, an eCommerce website has to display its good with quality images and descriptions. This will naturally make the website heavy. Now if you utilize SSD storage, this data can be retrieved swiftly. The ability of SSDs to simultaneously write and read data is one last factor to take into account when evaluating performance. HDDs are unable to do it. As a result, using SSDs speeds up request processing significantly.
HDDs occasionally malfunction. They do so because they have a lot of movement, that is to say, they have several moving parts. Now with a lot of movement, it is pretty natural for wear and tear to occur. The failure is forthcoming in the event of continued wear and tear. If you’ve spent enough time in the hosting industry, you’re aware that HDDs frequently crash. Hosting businesses provide excellent data backup solutions to help you recover your data and alleviate the issue.
However, your site could be down while all of this is going on. And any website would have a major issue with that. Whereas SSDs have no movement. Correspondingly, there is no wear and tear and so they don’t fail frequently. Although SSDs are highly durable, this does not imply that they never fail. Although you won’t use them frequently, you’ll require backups just to be safe. Additionally, SSDs are far more physically resistant than HDDs.
SSD prices have been gradually declining over the past few years. Prior to recently, SSDs easily cost about 3 to 4 times more per GB of storage. However, that is quickly altering. The choice to move to SSD becomes realistic when the cost decreases.
It is true that SSD prices are still higher than those of HDDs. The benefits, however, exceed the costs. You improve dependability, performance, speed, and longevity. This indicates that SSDs are the more economical option even though they cost more upfront.
Greater environmental benefit
SSDs are far more energy efficient than HDDs. SSDs are a good replacement for HDDs as more people want to live a little bit more sustainably and minimize their carbon footprint.
No data break-up
An HDD is unaware of the whereabouts of all of its data. It doesn’t begin looking for the data until a command is given. It must spin discs and read data from those discs in order to accomplish this. We refer to this as data fragmentation. Data is dispersed and kept in various locations. It is retrieved and utilized when it is required.
Although the technique is highly effective, it can take a long time. All of this is not necessary for an SSD. An SSD doesn’t have data fragmentation. You are immediately presented with the information you require. There isn’t anything that needs looking for and putting together. Greater performance is the end result. Quicker data retrieval and swifter user delivery.
SSDs are and will soon be the future of storage. In fact, many laptops are embedded with SSD storage. HDDs simply cannot compete with the performance, dependability, and longevity that SSD offers. Web hosting firms are using SSDs in line with the current trend. Nowadays, almost every hosting company offers SSD-based VPS hosting. Simply put, the demand for it is a lot more now than it was before because the benefits outweigh the cons. Even though SSDs are a little more pricey they do make up for it with their features.
Using VPS Hosting with SSD storage might be a good solution for your website, regardless of whether you manage a low-traffic or heavy-traffic website that brings in a lot of revenue. For more information about the SSD VPS hosting solution we offer and how it can help you enhance the speed and performance of your website, please visit our VPS Hosting page.